How to Maintain Healthy Friendships with the Right Attitude

Maintaining healthy friendships can be an important part of leading a fulfilling and happy life.

Sociologists have a common agreement that there are three conditions necessary for making and maintaining good friends; how close you are geographically, how often you hang out, and how comfortable you are in fighting each other.

Studies have shown that people who hang out physically are more likely to remain friends than those who simply talk on the phone. While those who talk on the phone to each other regularly are more likely to remain friends than those who only communicate via email.

It’s probably the reason why best friends for most people are made in high school or college. You see these people regularly and probably have lots in common with them. But what happens when your friendships are no longer based around proximity or convenience?

Healthy Friendships

Let’s say your best friend and you leave for different colleges, or your family had to move to a different state, you don’t see her as often, and when you do, it’s a little awkward. She has a bunch of new stories about new friends and places that you don’t quite fit into.

We’ve got you covered. This post will give you solid ideas on how to maintain your friendships even in difficult situations.

Communicate openly and honestly with your friends. This means being open to hearing their thoughts and feelings, and expressing your own in a clear and respectful way.

Spend time together. The foundation of any friendship is spending time together. Make an effort to meet up with your friend regularly, whether it’s for a coffee, a hike, or a movie night.

Often times, social media can make it feel like you’re more in touch with your friends than you actually are.

Of course, you could get big life updates from Facebook like when they’re graduating, travelling or engaged. But we all know that it’s the details, those small talks that makes the friendship bond tighter. And most times, you can only get those details from face to face interaction with your friend.

That’s why to keep the bond, we advise that you ensure to see your friend whenever you can. If they don’t live close, then you should communicate on phone rather than via email. This sends a signal to your friend that you prioritise the friendship and it allows for longer, more intimate conversations.

If you rarely get a chance to see your friend, inviting them for big events like birthdays, a sibling’s wedding, could be a perfect opportunity to reunite and reconnect with them without any awkwardness.

You should also make a habit of inviting your friend to any large gatherings you’re having. This is also a chance to introduce her to your new group of friends, and vice versa.

Attitude of Being a Good Friend

Show interest in your friend’s life and ask them questions about their passions, hobbies, and goals. This will help strengthen the bond between you.

Show your friends that you care about them by being there for them in good times and bad, offering support and understanding, and being willing to listen when they need to talk.

Respect your friends’ boundaries and give them space when they need it. It’s important to allow people to have their own personal time and space to recharge.

Don’t take your friendships for granted. Show your friends that you appreciate them and value their presence in your life.

Be trustworthy and reliable. Your friends should be able to count on you to be there for them and to keep your promises.

Practice forgiveness. No one is perfect, and it’s important to be able to forgive your friends when they make mistakes or hurt your feelings.

Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable: friendships can be deep and meaningful when both parties are willing to be vulnerable with each other. Don’t be afraid to share your struggles and insecurities with your friend.

Have fun: Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. A healthy friendship should be a source of joy and support for both people involved.

If you’re planning on hanging out with your friend(s) and have no idea what to do, here are a few ideas on how you can spend quality time with your friend(s):

Engage in activities that you both enjoy. This could be anything from playing a sport or going to a concert, to trying a new restaurant or taking a cooking class together.

Have a heart-to-heart conversation. Set aside some time to really connect with your friend and catch up on what’s been going on in each other’s lives. This is a great opportunity to offer support and listen to your friend’s thoughts and feelings.

Do something creative together. This could be painting, writing, cooking, or even building something. Engaging in a creative activity can help you both relax and bond in a meaningful way.

Take a trip together. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a longer vacation, traveling with your friend is a great way to create lasting memories and strengthen your bond.

Make time for fun. Don’t take yourselves too seriously! Have a good laugh and enjoy each other’s company. You can play a game, watch a comedy, or just hang out and have fun.

Overall, the key to spending quality time with a best friend is to be present and fully engaged in the moment. Put away your phone, listen attentively, and make an effort to connect with your friend on a deeper level.

By following these ideas, you can maintain healthy and rewarding friendships that bring joy and fulfillment to your life.

Platforms/Places where you can make New Friends

You can make new friends on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup and other online platforms.

Keep in mind that while these platforms can be helpful in finding and connecting with new people, it’s important to be cautious and use your best judgment when meeting people online. Remember to meet in a public place and tell someone where you are going, and always trust your instincts if something feels off.

You can also connect with new people and form lasting friendships by participating in activities and events in your local community. For example you could meet new friends at your workplace, your neighborhood, in a hobby group, at a concert, seminar, conference, festival or other public events.

There you have it! If you enjoyed our post on how to maintain healthy friendships, then you shouldn’t hesitate to share with your network of family and friends so they can also learn a thing or two. Thank you for visiting. XOXO.